Category: Analysis

Covering the patriotic protests that followed the Catalan independence referendum, Jake Wallis Simons was shocked to film people openly performing the Nazi salute in praise of police officers. It’s a symptom of how the Spanish government has tacitly condoned Fascism for political advantage, he writes.

Picture by Francis Hawkins.


The UK does not even own its Trident missiles, but rather leases them from the United States. British subs must regularly visit the US Navy’s base at King’s Bay, Georgia, for maintenance or re-arming. And since Britain has no test site of its own, it tries out its weapons under US supervision at Cape Canaveral, off the Florida coast, writes Jake Wallis Simons.

Picture by Jake Wallis Simons.


Exclusive: Questions need to be answered about Interpol’s links with FIFA. Millions of euros of soccer money flow into the law enforcement organization’s bank account each year, raising serious concerns about conflicts of interest and Interpol’s impartiality, Jake Wallis Simons reveals.

Picture by Lucas Schifres/Pictobank.


With cannabis being legalised in an increasing number of American states, it’s only a matter of time before the UK follows suit, writes Jake Wallis Simons.


To most people, Venezuela provides conclusive proof that undiluted Socialism can never work. But it’s only when you spend some time there on the ground that the fundamental immorality of the hard Left hits home, writes Jake Wallis Simons.


With all the wrath of a lover slighted, the world has turned on Aung San Suu Kyi. But their fetishisation of her could never have been borne out in real life, says Jake Wallis Simons.



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All rights reserved. Background picture by Gustavo Valiente, Barcelona 2017. JWS portrait by Oren Ziv, Ramallah 2017.