Category: Corbyn

Paul Eisen, the self-professed Holocaust denier, has given Jeremy Corbyn his support in an extraordinary blog post in which he says that he has been close to the Labour leadership contender for more than 15 years.

‘One evening 15 years ago I cycled over to see [Corbyn],’ he writes. ‘I was just beginning to establish Deir Yassin Remembered [a controversial, pro-Palestinian pressure group] in the UK and I wanted him to join.

‘I’d hardly begun my feverishly-rehearsed pitch before his cheque book was on the table. 

‘From that day on, without fuss or bother, whether DYR was flavour-of-the-month or the maggot-at-the-bottom-of-the-food-chain, he attended every single Deir Yassin commemoration.’


Police were forced to intervene at a Parliamentary meeting hosted by Jeremy Corbyn where Israel was described as ‘evil’ and a Jewish woman said she was called a ‘piece of sh**’, Jake Wallis Simons reveals.

The unrest began when a British Jewish member of the audience complained that she had not been allowed to challenge the speakers’ anti-Israel views. ‘You’re trying to shut everybody else up, in the house of commons that we fought for,’ she said.

Corbyn refused to accept her questions and tried to close the meeting. Then it descended into chaos. On the video, one woman cries: ‘The Holocaust issue, Jeremy. Why? Why do you do this? Why?’ She then adds ironically, ‘I like Jeremy Corbyn.’


Jeremy Corbyn claimed that Israeli officials control the speeches made by British MPs, in bizarre comments that have been called an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’ which ‘casts Jews as sinister manipulators’, Jake Wallis Simons reveals.


The ‘biggest terror chiefs in Hamas’ were named as part of a delegation to the ‘peace conference’ in Tunisia where Jeremy Corbyn went before the wreath-laying ceremony for the Munich killers, Jake Wallis Simons reveals.

They included Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar, who said killing Jewish children was ‘legitimate’. In a TV interview, he added that Jews were ‘hungry dogs and wild beasts’, who had ‘no future among the nations of the world’ and were ‘headed to annihilation’.

Also named was Mousa Marzook, the Hamas second-in-command who is designated as a terrorist by the United States and was found guilty of financing terror by an American court.


Jeremy Corbyn welcomed a group of notorious Islamic extremists to Parliament, including one who led a boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day and called for attacks on the Royal Navy, Jake Wallis Simons reveals.

The meeting, which took place in the House of Lords just six months before Corbyn became Labour leader, included at least four of Britain’s most influential extremists.


Jeremy Corbyn held a private meeting with a Holocaust denier in Parliament and failed to disclose it when quizzed by a Home Affairs select committee inquiry into anti-Semitism, Jake Wallis Simons reveals. It came after he exposed the Labour leader’s long-standing links with the notorious Paul Eisen in 2015.



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All rights reserved. Background picture by Gustavo Valiente, Barcelona 2017. JWS portrait by Oren Ziv, Ramallah 2017.