Category: Features

When Ibrahim was nine years old, Boko Haram militants chopped off his friend’s hand and dipped the stump in boiling oil.

Much of his family had been butchered by the group; when he was 11, he saw a jihadi shooting his father dead.

‘When I think about Boko Haram I have no emotion,’ he told MailOnline in Bikari camp in Maiduguri, the wartorn capital of Borno state in northeastern Nigeria. ‘I don’t think I feel anything any more.’


Elizabeth McGovern, star of Downton Abbey, goes to Sierra Leone on her first trip as a charity ambassador for World Vision… and all does not go according to plan, writes Jake Wallis Simons.


Once the preserve of Nazis and clock-watching bureaucrats, Interpol has been modernised and is now reputedly good at its job. So why is it mired in controversy, asks Jake Wallis Simons.


Jake Wallis Simons launches a drone from a speedboat anchored off the coast of the Caribbean island of St Martin to reveal for the first time the damage done to Donald Trump’s $17 million mansion by Hurricane Irma.

Pictures by Thomas Maddick.


Jake Wallis Simons’ award-winning digital feature seamlessly integrates words, video, pictures and infographics to tell the story of the Israeli settlers in an innovative and immersive way. It won the European Newspaper Award and was shortlisted for the British Press Award and the Association of Online Publishers Award. It was also ‘honoured’ at the Webbys.

Pictures by David Rose. Film by Erica Elkhershi.


Why is the Israeli army mounting nightly operations to rescue wounded Islamist militants from Syria? Under cover of darkness, Jake Wallis Simons joins a team of commandos to find out.

Pictures by Jake Wallis Simons, film by Shai Rosenzweig.



For enquiries concerning my novels, please contact my agent, Andrew Gordon at David Higham Associates. For anything else, please use the contact form below.


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All rights reserved. Background picture by Gustavo Valiente, Barcelona 2017. JWS portrait by Oren Ziv, Ramallah 2017.